Sunday, 22 November 2015

The Pentonic Passions

In the  last 1.8 decades of my existence, I have come to find strengths and weaknesses in various sectors of my life. Through the triumphs and tribulations, I have also found that I have a burning desire and passion for 5 specific things in our ever growing world. 5 aspects of the human culture that appeal to me in ways nothing else does. These 5 special things I hold close to my heart, for each have their unique significance.

Firstly, above all else, I hold my relationship with God closely to my heart. In a generation where science is conquering all religions, it becomes difficult to cling to the traditions of generations past. But I stand firm in my beliefs, and as contradictory as they can be to modern ideologies, I know one day all will see that science and God are actually two in the same, however we just haven't reached the level at which science has been able to establish that connection.

Secondly, I have a burning desire for membranophones, or in normal terms, drums. Whether it is modern, ancient, traditional or electronic, every form of drums has its own unique attributes that make it so attractive. I've been playing drums since the tender age of 7, and I have proceeded to grow a major appreciation for the various traditional drums from around the world, which includes drums from Israel, India, Nigeria, Indonesia, Brazil and Pakistan, just to name a few. Drums have become a major section of my life, and being an eclectic person, it enables me to enjoy music from a global scale.

Thirdly, I love animals. Not so much in the sense where I adore cute baby animal picture online. Instead I love learning, researching, and expanding my knowledge about the vast kingdom that is the animal world. From the great Blue whales of the mighty oceans, to the humble hummingbirds zipping in between flowers, both wild and domestic animals seem an absolute awesome creation that inhabits our planet, and without it, the direction of our human civilisation would have been hindered or even non existent without. Animals are just astounding creatures that have captured my affection since before my memory permits.

Fourthly, the aspect and defining factor of many cultures, is language. I love learning languages. At the moment, I can speak in English, Malay, Spanish, Punjabi, Tagalog and can carry broken conversations in German, Hebrew, Malayalam and Zulu. I intend to learn and fluently speak a total of 25 languages by the time I reach the age of 25. Language carries a major part of every individual culture, and it enables me to learn a great deal about our human populous.

Lastly, my fifth passion revolves around apparel. I enjoy dressing in abnormal regalia, or those which are uncommon in various regions. Costumes are also included, and I enjoy being the centre of attention, thus this contributes to that significantly. I enjoy being in costumes simply because of the amusement it brings not only me, but those around me, be it proud or embarrassing.

This is, in a nutshell summarises the essential concepts that define me, excluding the facts which closely, which specify my love for my family and comedy. Over the next three weeks, according to the requirements of the MPU course I am currently taking, more posts involving either myself or things involving myself will be revealed. Thank you for taking the time to read through this blog.

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